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k-on! kotobuki_tsumugi school_swimsuit screening seifuku swimsuits

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Yes, you guessed it right.

Stay away from MAH Tsumugi D:<
kyoushiro said:
Yes, you guessed it right.

Stay away from MAH Tsumugi D:<
..I don't get it....''stay away'' mean on avatar?
kyoushiro's avatar is Golden Darkness from To Love-ru
You can see the post any avatar is from by clicking on the image.
I know I know...but what did he meant by ''stay away'' if not on avatar?
Chikane said:
I know I know...but what did he meant by ''stay away'' if not on avatar?
I guess..

kyoushiro said:
Stay away from MAH Tsumugi D:<
She is a MINE :P
Means don't use avatar of that charactr and don't write fantasias of you and that character together. Kyoushiro is funny like that.
Wow, someone slower than me :o

HaruhiSuzumiya said:
Kyoushiro is funny in the head.
Fixed that for you.
...writing fantasy about character and myself....that make me lol
Radioactive said:
Fixed that for you.
;___; Bully
Chikane said:
...writing fantasy about character and myself....that make me lol
it's called self insertion fanfiction, it's real and it exists... unfortunately
aurica said:
it's called self insertion fanfiction, it's real and it exists... unfortunately
lol......well it isn't very for laughing I's kind of sad,don't you think? I pitty those poor people....
Chikane said:
lol......well it isn't very for laughing I's kind of sad,don't you think? I pitty those poor people....
yes it is sad... what's worse is instead of people keeping it to themselves, we have sites like
and yes, 'own character' is just 'self insertion' but with the character named differently
and yes... i used to write fanfiction... a long long time ago... but i'm all better now's so sad that it's becoming offense..
hehe i'm not offended in the slightest you know...
fanfiction is a bad habit that i'm glad that i stopped years ago :D
I'm not thinking on you cuz you said it yourself that you are a lot better now....I'm refering on other peoples who still do that....
It gives them some enjoyment in their miserable lives, so leave them be.
Radioactive said:
It gives them some enjoyment in their miserable lives, so leave them be.
a and cruel...but I didn't say anything that's wrong right......
Showing self insertion means "pick me on" if you take it positively
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
Uh? What're ye talking about?
You can have Tsumugi. I'll take Ritsu (drummers are much cooler anyway).
on what do you think by ''taking'' ..xD
Hay, gohanrice, can you make a vector out of this? Please ;_;
Kyoushiro raised it from the dead ... Just send him a message jeez.