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animal_ears bunny_ears hiiragi_kagami hiiragi_tsukasa izumi_konata kusakabe_misao lucky_star minegishi_ayano takara_miyuki

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Oh wow, I totally forgot about this picture
What's she doing? Making butter... with a hammer?
Is this a reference to the moon being made of cheese?
sanae_kochiya said:
is mochi O.o
Duely right! Hammer+milk+and(insert here)=mochi Says you! Welcome to! Hope you enjoy your stay : ) Oh and BTW cute ava! Hehheheeh
sanae_kochiya said:
is mochi O.o
the comment determined my morning ( ̄▽ ̄)
Awesome! That's a great way to start the morning IMO.
They say ancient Japanese thought of the pattern on the surface of the moon as bunnies pounding mochi with a hammer. The moon and bunnies make a set in Japan (ex: Sailor Moon).
rudolf said:
They say ancient Japanese thought of the pattern on the surface of the moon as bunnies pounding mochi with a hammer. The moon and bunnies make a set in Japan (ex: Sailor Moon).
Now there is an interesting and true statement i can actually understand! Wohoo! I just finished re-reading Kannazuki no Miko and this helped me recover from the sadness a bit faster/ Thanks rudolf!(I was thinking of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) lol.
rudolf said:
They say ancient Japanese thought of the pattern on the surface of the moon as bunnies pounding mochi with a hammer. The moon and bunnies make a set in Japan (ex: Sailor Moon).
Pretty much nailed it there. Mochi long time ago you had to pound it in order to make it, now we have freaking machines.
Around 20 years ago, I had pound it to help my father making mochi.
I hammered my father's hand several times :3
ChikaneHimemiya said:
Now there is an interesting and true statement i can actually understand! Wohoo! I just finished re-reading Kannazuki no Miko and this helped me recover from the sadness a bit faster/ Thanks rudolf!(I was thinking of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) lol.
Yep, I guess I blowed my nose too much *<|:-)
midzki said:
Around 20 years ago, I had pound it to help my father making mochi.
I hammered my father's hand several times :3
Ooo I can picture you doing that for some strange reason XD I guess I was right arou d how old ya wer midzki! YEy! Such a touching moment!(Pulls out a kodak camera) Thanks for sharing that midzki! Useless text
Oh really?...although sometimes there are intruders here.
Actually, I think this is a reference to the ending of the game "Raving Rabbids: Go Home".
The Lucky Star girls look so cute in their Rabbid suits! (^_^)