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over 15 years agoFeito
over 15 years agoAZD-A9S
over 15 years agoAnyway I definitely looking forward to the new D.C.s since D.C.II Final (Fall In Love) is the last. All good things must come to an end they say. For D.C.III, I wonder who the D.C.II male (I forget his name) ended up with?
over 15 years agoas for who he ended up with...
well i wish i could answer that... all i can say is i'm personally torn between yume-chan and anzu-chan (although i was happy about getting an akane-chan route on D.C.II PC)
it's possible to tell who the 'main girl' is from the box art though... obviously not in the case of this game
over 15 years agoGuessing from Da Capo series story... The main story should be in siscon route, isn't it? So, Otome or Yume...that's a hard question to choose the answer although my favourite character in DCII is Tsukishima Koko :D
Edit: Oh well, I'm just thinking that her uniform is not same as her ancestors... Does this picture come from DC surely?
over 15 years agoif she isn't in old games , must be a original.
about 15 years agokyoushiro
about 15 years agoOtome is too big for him, MAH Koko is too much for him, and TEH TRAP,,, well, the trap will always be alone and jealous of the other girls.
about 15 years ago( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
about 15 years ago:D
about 15 years agoRadioactive
about 15 years agoMisaoFan
about 15 years agoRadioactive
about 15 years ago