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Itsuki chose superior kernel, it's over for wincucks!
Well, both my PCs run better on Linux than on Windows, for sure…
I'd just like to interject for a moment...
I do like my 2015 Macbook Pro. It does have Unix underpinnings I am told.

POSIX-compliant, Open Brand UNIX 03 Registered Product
• Open source kernel based on FreeBSD
and Mach 3.0
• 64-bit OS using LP64 data model

Is it related to what you use?
Genex said:
I do like my 2015 Macbook Pro. It does have Unix underpinnings I am told.


Is it related to what you use?
Core 2 Quad Desktop and Core 2 Duo laptop PCs, both bought in 2009 and running 64-bit Arch Linux as their main (and now only) OS since April 2015 (laptop) and February 2017 (desktop).
Don't pay attention, it was just a customary copypasta quoting RMS.
Please, inform yourself if you're have a free time
While macos does have some unix userspace, it is only by a fortune of BSD licence's permissive nature, which let apple take something for free and then sell you under their logo. I have to commend your keeping old machine running and not throwing it away.
As for me I run various systemD-free Linux based distributions and occasionally OpenBSD or NetBSD, however OpenBSD is only one worth extensive shilling.
Looking good rocking those toasters. Once you install something libre things magically work better, faster and never get old.