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« Previous Next » This post is #5 in the Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu 2010 Calendar pool.
over 15 years agoWishmaster
over 15 years agokyoushiro
over 15 years ago鳳翼天翔!!!!!!
over 15 years agooperator
over 15 years agokyoushiro
over 15 years agoWatch Saint Seiya and you know what it really means.
spoilerMikururu MINE D:<
over 15 years agoAh, its a reference, that explains why.
over 15 years agoBut I thought "Ten Sho" would be "Rising to the Heavens" or something like that :P I recognized the Ten kanji because it's the same one you see in SF Akuma's back xD
about 15 years agoGin206
over 13 years ago