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I think the glasses look good on Mikuru
yeah it's not bad I guess ;) Haruhi on the other hand......idiotic as ever >.>
SciFi said:
I think the glasses look good on Mikuru
(((((((((*-*) !!!!

kyoushiro said:
(((((((((*-*) !!!!

Any chance of getting that in English? The best Google can do is "Fung Wing Tianxiang".
Hoo Yoku Ten Sho (something like "Fire Wings Rise to the Heavens").

Watch Saint Seiya and you know what it really means.

"The phoenix wing day flies in circles" barely makes any more sense than "Fung Wing Tianxiang"

Ah, its a reference, that explains why.
Oh, yeah... Phoenix Wings.

But I thought "Ten Sho" would be "Rising to the Heavens" or something like that :P I recognized the Ten kanji because it's the same one you see in SF Akuma's back xD
Wishmaster said:
yeah it's not bad I guess ;) Haruhi on the other hand......idiotic as ever >.>
SHHHH! Careful, she'll hear you! >_>
Koizumi, Kyon... are looking very sexy in those glasses... >3>