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akaiito asama_sakuya hal hatou_kei seifuku success wallpaper

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hmm.. they are the same images of the game CGs (I know cuz it's a yuri game =D), but the resolution of the game is 640x480. no way to enlarge them with this quality.
where are they came from?
midzki said:
hmm.. they are the same images of the game CGs (I know cuz it's a yuri game =D), but the resolution of the game is 640x480. no way to enlarge them with this quality.
where are they came from?
highly skilled photoshopper?
with this skill, I can make enormous money by selling like him
Even if the game res is 640x480 it will have been drawn larger originally.
midzki said:
where are they came from?
Same as post #106220
wallpapered scans.. that's not the idea I can hit..