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>make a series about Vtubers, which has its moe otaku culture as its main draw point
>make the characters anything but moe
>flop hard despite Vtuber popularity being sky high
Reminds me of a single panel comic where the characters would do something clueless. It was subtitled as "unclear on the concept."

I wondered how that idea was successfully pitched?
never understood why would somebody unironically watch this larp. they basically copycat some repeat some barely entertaining normalfags memes and are unwatchable due language barrier, and those who do it murican style only get some hype due drama. don't mention their dreadful singing, gaming, annoying voices etc etc.
splashing a bit of bleach on your face seems more interesting leisure time spending imo. not that i don't want to hear any positive points about them. boobs don't count.
>popularity being sky high
among kids or neets?
Kids is what modern anime is popular with. Vtubers are popular among moe otaku.
And they watch it because of what anime industry used to be before it became casual teenage pandering normalfag stuff. Though like with everything that gets popular, Vtubing is gradually gonna become more casual catering.
They are, at the current state of industry, the closest to that kind of moe culture anime represented until the early 10's.
And thus people are watching them for the same reason any entertainment.
Language barrier is a you-thing, if you can't learn a language you're interacting with for years.
some streams can be actually fun if the vtuber actually enjoy what they play, but there are extremely few yeah. collabs are basically just elaborated woman gossips. there are one or two who can sing pretty well and some do have really charming voices, but yeah most of them suck.
people don't have a lot of good things to do in their lives, they watch boring livestreams all the time, now it's just spread to more crowds once they started slapping the anime faces on the screen.