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I suppose that a "heartless" version doesn't exist?
Kamisama said:
I suppose that a "heartless" version doesn't exist?
hahaha ^_^. I could edit it for you and add another ****** in it for you and blur it out to make it look more realistic, ^^

- If you look at it closely, parts of the hearts are semi transparent and that makes reconstruction so much easier. But I don't need a h image
aoie_emesai said:
hahaha ^_^. I could edit it for you and add another ****** in it for you and blur it out to make it look more realistic, ^^

- If you look at it closely, parts of the hearts are semi transparent and that makes reconstruction so much easier. But I don't need a h image
When I look closely I do notice that it's transparent. Would be great if you could PS it. This would make a good stand up in my "collection" .
Kamisama said:
When I look closely I do notice that it's transparent. Would be great if you could PS it. This would make a good stand up in my "collection" .
I'll keep this one my to do list, kamisama. I can't guarantee it'll be done any time soon. I have my own photoshopping to do too >.<