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dehya garter genshin_impact nantoku no_bra torn_clothes

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himeno_nanako said:
moonian said:
himeno_nanako said:

moonian said:

We are already tagging animal_ears for headband, headdress, headphone/tiara with animal ear shape so far, then why suddenly giving an exception?
Arsy said:
We are already tagging animal_ears for headband, headdress, headphone/tiara with animal ear shape so far, then why suddenly giving an exception?
That's NOT an exception - as explained above, that portion is part of her hair, NOT any of the hair accessories you mentioned (i.e. just treat that as "her hair got gelled like that").
moonian said:
That's NOT an exception - as explained above, that portion is part of her hair, NOT any of the hair accessories you mentioned.
Ah, I understand what you mean.
Arsy said:
Ah, I understand what you mean.
Yeah, I too didn't aware that before, until another user pointed this out.
Arsy said:
Ah, I understand what you mean.
Here you can clearly see it but they are often really looking like ears and not like a part of her hair. Wow, that's really confusing me.
BattlequeenYume said:
Here you can clearly see it but they are often really looking like ears and not like a part of her hair. Wow, that's really confusing me.
Danbooru has a "hair ears" tag, but since yandere keeps tags to a minimum, if it looks like animal ears, why not tag it like that? We do the same for "fake animal ears". Otherwise it's up to the tagger to remember Dehya as an exception.
Genex said:
Danbooru has a "hair ears" tag, but since yandere keeps tags to a minimum, if it looks like animal ears, why not tag it like that? We do the same for "fake animal ears". Otherwise it's up to the tagger to remember Dehya as an exception.
Because it is NOT ears in essence?

And the keyword of Danbooru's "hair ears" is "hairstyles", not "ears".

And please stop calling this an "exception", because it isn't (e.g. in Danbooru, keqing's images are also tagged with that "hair ears" tag).
So Keqing also? Ok no "animal ears" tag then.