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amatsumi_sora_ni! bra breasts garter_belt hazuki_mikage nipples pantsu shintarou stockings thighhighs

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Why must you guys upload such huge images? My poor Aussie interwebs can't hack it. =(
shadkats said:
Why must you guys upload such huge images? My poor Aussie interwebs can't hack it. =(
That is the whole point of this site. High resolution and high quality.
Xcalibur said:
That is the whole point of this site. High resolution and high quality.
Yeah I know. But sometimes images download lightning fast, other times they're as slow as a wet week. I'd prefer it if the speeds were more constant. Blah blah whinge whine.
There are jpeg versions, which I'll get around to putting a real link to in posts at some point...
petopeto said:
There are jpeg versions, which I'll get around to putting a real link to in posts at some point...
If a person has already done so, do I just check the child posts to find the jpeg versions?
actually its a little small the image sorry i need hd images hahahaa