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Monkey D. Luffy
鋼野 剣
Ryoutsu Kankichi
Lala Satalin Deviluke
Ageha Yoshina
Ichigo Kurosaki
Ryoma Echizen
Allen Walker
Taiga Kuzumi
allen_walker bleach crossover d.gray-man echizen_ryoma gun katekyo_hitman_reborn! kubo_tite kurosaki_ichigo lala_satalin_deviluke male monkey_d_luffy mx0 oda_eiichirou one_piece psyren reborn screening seifuku shounen_jump tennis_no_ouji-sama to_love_ru yabuki_kentarou yoshina_ageha

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If u guys want to know the guy with blue hair is Yoshina Ageha form the manga Psyren
pretty good manga, OM rank30
who is the guy with orange hair? and the guy with boxing gloves?