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bikini harukazedori_ni_tomarigi_wo kaneda_akiho momotani_harune skyfish swimsuits tsurugi_hagane

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Is there a reason this is listed as explicit? Looks safe to me.
I've changed it to questionable.
This is completly safe, so might any op/admin lock the rating?
Kamisama said:
This is completly safe, so might any op/admin lock the rating?
Should I be classing bikinis/swimsuits as questionable?

I can lock the rating at safe if I'm being too cautious.
Radioactive said:
Should I be classing bikinis/swimsuits as questionable?
Well do you find those offending?

Watching babes in swimsuits/bikinis at work is not wrong (if your a guy). And drawn ones is not an exception.
Looks safe to me. I think that bikini/swimsuits should only be questionable if the pose is suggestive, if the swimsuit is falling off, or if something similar is going on.
I agree with vis, the pose would have a bearing on it's rating too. Say sitting in a sexually provocative manner would warrant a questionable rating but not explicit, unless parts of her clothes are missing or not in the right place, or something like that.
Kamisama said:
Well do you find those offending?
Well no, but I've got to rate the scans for a general audience.

I'll start using safe for most swimsuits/bikinis scans and lock the rating for this scan as safe.