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Its harder to process scans when they've already gone though a descreening filter. I'm still not 100% happy with the results I'll post another one after I get back to a pc instead of using remote desktop.
Are you using greystoration?
yup, plus some blurring in photoshop


greycstoration_win32.exe -restore "008d66f5ad50e888ae28386189c007e4.jpg" -ns 0 -nu 0 -ng 0 -scheme 1 -iter 1 -sigma 1.0 -alpha 1.0 -a 0.1 -p 0.1 -dt 2

photoshop: blur, blur more, smart blur (radius 1, threshold 15, quality high, mode normal)
I've used greystoration as a plugin through GIMP. I still need to adjust the settings to get a better result though. Scans with white backgrounds tend to look like they have a trace around the outside of the image.
Wraith said:
I've used greystoration as a plugin through GIMP. I still need to adjust the settings to get a better result though. Scans with white backgrounds tend to look like they have a trace around the outside of the image.
Me too. I need to experiment a bit more with it.