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amatsu_ai amatsu_mai naked nipples rin_sin twin_angels

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Just to remind people that these are the sort of ero images from Rin Sin we expect to see.

Tentacles are really not welcome on moe.imouto...
oh ... sorry. I won't upload those anymore
Wraith said:
oh ... sorry. I won't upload those anymore
Did you want me to delete the ones I did post?
Wraith said:
Did you want me to delete the ones I did post?
No need. Just parent & child, and pool them (If you have the time)
Wraith said:
Ok, I'll do what I can

I really do need to get clarification from admin2 about what 'guro' ero material we should allow to be posted. Where do we cross the line? The ToS doesn't really cover this.
I guess it would fall under the bestiality rule. I will refrain from putting others like this up.