
final_fantasy final_fantasy_vii landscape seo_tatsuya wallpaper

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the atmosphere of this picture remind me Midgar in FFVII
Given the sign on the building in the lower right says "materia", I suspect that is exactly what it is :)
AndyCus said:
Given the sign on the building in the lower right says "materia", I suspect that is exactly what it is :)
I found it on Pixiv, you're exactly correct, it's even tagged with Materia Shop, as well as FF7. ヾ(´・ω・`)
Manabi said:
I found it on Pixiv, you're exactly correct, it's even tagged with Materia Shop, as well as FF7. ヾ(´・ω・`)
Ah.... is that so...

and this picture is awesome~ >^<\
Ah the good old days. Now if only there were a remake in the works...
it look like a section of the midgar skyline