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chobits clamp freya wallpaper

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The greatest Chobits image ever. The 2nd is where Chii is sitting on top of a lamp post in a dark blue background ^^
Did you run any image restoration on this, or is it an original scan?
Radioactive said:
Did you run any image restoration on this, or is it an original scan?
I haven't done anything to this image there, Radioactive. It's basically a copy and paste. I believe this is from Konachan. There's 1500 pages of wallpapers to go through, this one just struck my fancy ^^
I see there is a Torrent for the Konachan wallpapers at

Nearly 16Gb worth of wallpapers. Jesus.
Radioactive said:
I see there is a Torrent for the Konachan wallpapers at

Nearly 16Gb worth of wallpapers. Jesus.
I saw it too, but I don't want them all now... just the select few that I really love due to the cuteness or the great creative way the wallpaper is made or it was eye catching.