This post has a child post. (post #173400)

ass bathing kisaragi_chihaya komi_zumiko loli onsen see_through the_idolm@ster wet wet_clothes yukata

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is that her butt? o__o I thought it would be about at the place where the blue whatyoucallthatthingie is
Azarel said:
is that her butt? o__o I thought it would be about at the place where the blue whatyoucallthatthingie is
just assume she's poorly drawn
Maybe, she has a long waist...a really, really long waist.
Cdpierson5 said:
Maybe, she has a long waist...a really, really long waist.
And no backbone.... ( ̄~ ̄;)
blooregardo said:
monster_girl (look how she enlarges her thorax)
There's a tag for that!?!
Atrum-Tempestas said:
There's a tag for that!?!
there'd be more if extreme contents and furry creatures are allowed here.
Cdpierson5 said:
Maybe, she has a long waist...a really, really long waist.
At first I think their is something wrong too but on the others pictures of Chihaya she look often tall and slim. the ratio between her arms' lenght and waist's lenght seems correct(her hand can touch the up of her leg).
Maybe the curve of her back is a little exaggerated, nice picture anyway