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Uemoto Sumire
Hinaga Rieko
Ikoma Minami
Kasuga Kusunoki
Haibara Nanaka
Haqua du Lot Herminium
Kujou Tsukiyo
Katsuragi Keima
Nakagawa Kanon
Takahara Ayumi
Shiomiya Shiori
Nagase Jun
Kosaka Chihiro
Goidou Yui
Elsea de Lute Irma
Ayukawa Tenri
Aoyama Mio
aoyama_mio ayukawa_tenri diana_(kami_nomi_zo_shiru_sekai) elsea_de_lute_irma goidou_yui haibara_nanaka haqua_du_lot_herminium hinaga_rieko ikoma_minami kami_nomi_zo_shiru_sekai kasuga_kusunoki katsuragi_keima kosaka_chihiro kujou_tsukiyo nagase_jun nakagawa_kanon piromizu shiomiya_shiori takahara_ayumi uemoto_sumire

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Nice pic :P
Keima is really a God XD
Ja ne!!
This is one of the cutest pics from this show I've seen so far :)
out of curiosity, since it seems the show will only feature 4 girls (besides Elsea) - are these other girls in the manga?
bakaneko said:
out of curiosity, since it seems the show will only feature 4 girls (besides Elsea) - are these other girls in the manga?
Yes, the manga is a bit far ahead of the anime (of course) and features all these girls (and maybe more since it's ongoing).
wow, no rest for the weary lol :)
this makes me want to watch the show again