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« Previous Next » This post is #15 in the Nyantype #15 2011-02 pool.

cleavage dress heels lala_satalin_deviluke sairenji_haruna see_through tail to_love_ru tsurukubo_hisako wedding_dress

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Replace it with Mikan & Yami and this would be heaven.
Talec said:
Replace it with Mikan & Yami and this would be heaven.
Well said. xD
Replace Lala with Yui and keep Haruna and its my harem!
Better, Yami with Yui <333
Why even bother replacing, just add the others in here too and it really would be perfect!
einishi said:
Better, Yami with Yui <333
NO D:<

Replace MY Yami with someone else.

Guys, guys, you´re all thinking in a small scale. Hear the wise words of Fullbuster
Fullbuster said:
Why even bother replacing, just add the others in here too and it really would be perfect!
agreed. No replacements. just additions.
Fullbuster said:
Why even bother replacing, just add the others in here too and it really would be perfect!
Indeed wise words.

But for me, Lala will remain 1st <3 (then Momo and Yui)