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« Previous Next » This post is #13 in the Megami #126 2010-11 pool.

bikini bleed_through crease fixme photo screening swimsuits tanaka_rie

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Ugly at every possible level! Plus one dimension to much :P
Okay, before anyone tries flagging this for deletion any further:

> (Read the comments...)

It's from Megami 126 and has been uploaded for "completion" sake.
Oh man my eyes have been violated...
I must be seeing things, I should get more sleep!
And now I'm banned from ever changing my avatar here.. ever.. again.
It needs fixing, but I'm not an expert in the art of photo restoration.
She's so airbrushed she might as well be 2D. Even video games remember to add skin texture.
This post was flagged for deletion by ... . Reason: Not fitting with site
It is off-topic but it will stay.
Incidently, with the help of the person on IRC (again), I'll have the Kitamura Eri scan from Megami 125 to upload as well as the missing Mitsudomoe scan at some point within the next 42 hours...
3D?! ewwww!
lol just kidding, I like 3d too (well, less than 2d anyway :P )
WTF....woman? alright
vistaspl said:
WTF....woman? alright
i guess this is the thing in our dream. Women/Men in our dream >////<
Jigsy said:
Okay, before anyone tries flagging this for deletion any further:

> (Read the comments...)

It's from Megami 126 and has been uploaded for "completion" sake.
This is not an enjoyment thing when every 18+ pics has being flagged for deletion and keeping it as trashes. :'(
Furthermore, users are very annoying to this options. Thus, being as an adult we are supposed to show our respect to each other and having some fun with our private time. Being disturbed are most painful nightmares at all cost...