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Now, that is a fantastic pic. She's obviously not having a good day (I've never understood why so much hentai involves abusing women), but she sure does look great. Great detail too.
the hair bow is so perfect
Kalessin said:
Now, that is a fantastic pic. She's obviously not having a good day (I've never understood why so much hentai involves abusing women), but she sure does look great. Great detail too.
It's cuz men are just like that.
StayCold said:
It's cuz men are just like that.
I'm not like that. (o.O;)
sycokid said:
I'm not like that. (o.O;)
that's just cuz you'd not discovered the hentai evil in your mind :D
The best part of this is the girl giving head in the background
I'm a man and I hate abusing such a hot,beautiful and a kind woman
Handsome_Boy said:
I'm a man and I hate abusing such a hot,beautiful and a kind woman
Do you still abuse her?
woman abuse just in my mind. never does it IRL.
I would never abuse a woman either. I don't like the idea that men are "sex searching pigs." I feel sorry for the girls in that picture.
You will not abuse girls.
Will you draw the pictures of abusing girls?
Do you think drawing these pictures means abusing girls?
StayCold said:
It's cuz men are just like that.

not all of us.

Sonar said:
You will not abuse girls.
Will you draw the pictures of abusing girls?
Do you think drawing these pictures means abusing girls?
maybe not but it sets a bad example.
how many men browse this web page and how many women do? such pics just ingratiate males~~~my words doesnt mean to look down upon the females,i just state a fact```
Does this artist have any non-h work using this same art style?
Those handles look like they would be used for water skiing. Also: She only has four toes, and one of them is bigger than her big toe.
i cracked up tooooo hard with the boss with the wine cup getting head in the background, ingenius
if a woman doesnt want me its an absolute mood killer for me. when i look at pics like that i just want to cuddle her wash her and roll her into a warm blanket.
Women have rape fantasies..that doesnt mean they want to be raped. Aparently that logic can't be aplied to men based on these responses