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« Previous Next » This post is #18 in the Nyantype #20 2011-07 pool.

bathing crease hakase loli naked nichijou nishiya_futoshi shinonome_nano wet

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Thank you.. I've been waiting for this one for a long time ^^ Hope it gets fixed. Nichijou needs more love!
we love nichijou! Except hakase.
fireattack said:
we love nichijou! Except hakase.
She may be annoying but I really love her voice when she says "Nano, Nano, Nano!"
fireattack said:
we love nichijou! Except hakase.
But, she, Nano and Sakamoto are the only good characters D:
johnishida said:
But, she, Nano and Sakamoto are the only good characters D:
I love Mio and Hakase the most, followed by Nano, Mai and Sakamoto.
Hakase and Nano deserve their own show, I'm watching this anime lately and these are the only two decent characters in the show to me.