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Next » This post is #0 in the Nanao Naru - Nanairo Ice pool.

nanao_naru screening seifuku

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I just collected all the arts which can be found on our site into this pool, instead of "real page scans" of this book (though some of them indeed are). Still missed these:

awesome want to be friends if possible
hey how do you post your main picture to show
dq334 said:
awesome want to be friends if possible
This is not facebook.

dq334 said:
hey how do you post your main picture to show
fireattack said:
I just collected all the arts which can be found on our site into this pool, instead of "real page scans" of this book (though some of them indeed are). Still missed these:
what a pity!046/ 060 /074 / 080 look so nice,but still thank you for you uploading
This is nostalgic! One of the very first moe artbooks I ever bought. :D