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can't see this post, can anybody repost it?
It's working fine for me.
Some of the mirrors and what not have been acting up, try later if you can't see any.
i can't see any big pic, maybe it's my internet??
i don't know.
Big? 4.2MB orig/544Kb sample is not big.
It could be AdBlock, but mine isn't listing the exception filters I added atm.

If neither loads I'd say it's a DNS cache issue somewhere along the line. A leftover from the address and server changes. In that case it should resolve itself automatically as it refreshes its content over time. (read: max the next few days but probably sooner)
Chrissues said:

If neither loads I'd say it's a DNS cache issue somewhere along the line. A leftover from the address and server changes. In that case it should resolve itself automatically as it refreshes its content over time. (read: max the next few days but probably sooner)
didn't work any link.
it's happenig only with toloveru scans.