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cube_x_cursed_x_curious fear_(ccc) loli naked noda_megumi_(artist)

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1st rank in my watchlist this season :P
celberos said:
1st rank in my watchlist this season :P
I wish I had the 5 minutes of my life back I wasted watching it.
Radioactive said:
I wish I had the 5 minutes of my life back I wasted watching it.
luckily you wasted only 5 min. I watched it till last.
noth every one has the same taste D:
cute loli, i'm going to watch the first episode.
I was bored to death watching the first episode. The real stuff starts in the second half of the second episode.
castle said:
I was bored to death watching the first episode. The real stuff starts in the second half of the second episode.
AZD-A9S said:
yeah the second episode caught me off guard too but it seem like it still a little off to me like they could made her convene more palpable regret over being force to kill thousands or something her reaction and animation didn't carry the heavy tone but, something a goofy look to it
Zeninth said:
yeah the second episode caught me off guard too but it seem like it still a little off to me like they could made her convene more palpable regret over being force to kill thousands or something her reaction and animation didn't carry the heavy tone but, something a goofy look to it
I see.
This is surprisingly good. I was about to drop it before someone told me about the 2nd episode, and I've been watching this ever since. Sure, it's not exactly perfect, and some of the things that happen in the story feel too convenient for the characters, not to mention it can still be a tad generic, but it's pretty nice. You can notice that the author tried to put some creativity into this.