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christmas hirano_katsuyuki naked

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where can i buy this camera?!
i think i saw somthing like that (camera) on the internet? *jk*
Could it be the new innovation from Steve Jobs before he meet the heaven !!?
The wrench and the gear...
ahhh the well known *pantsu application*


looks like it got un upgrade :3
xPhone is alright, but I think the PomegranatePhone is better.
the Pomegranate Phone is much cooler :P

Though being able to jump start you car is pretty cool.
还带包邮的哦,亲 =w=
Can't help noticing that the girl on the left is really, really short, at least in the torso.
AndyCus said:
Can't help noticing that the girl on the left is really, really short, at least in the torso.
so it is.