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buruma gym_uniform hakamada_hinata loli misty_isle nipples ro-kyu-bu! see_through sorimura_youji thighhighs wet_clothes

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who's chest did she steal? 'cause Hinata doesn't have near that amount of boob
vhd954 said:
who's chest did she steal? 'cause Hinata doesn't have near that amount of boob
Airi's maybe
vhd954 said:
who's chest did she steal? 'cause Hinata doesn't have near that amount of boob
She does, at least she's supposed to. In some scenes we've seen that she has decent rack, and she's stated to have the second largest ones, after Airi on her character sheet.
Also, check out one of the megami scans, where she's naked and we can see her pretty big sideboobs.