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ano_natsu_de_matteru kitahara_mio megane rinon school_swimsuit swimsuits takatsuki_ichika tanigawa_kanna uon_taraku wet yamano_remon

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would anyone recommend this? ~.~;;
Too early to make a decision.
I like this anime... :D
The best two characters are Kanna and L-sorry-Remon
Totally worth it so far.
I'm still not sure how to feel about them basically declaring from the start that the show will be a carbon copy of OneTea, but the characters are just different enough so far that it stands on its own. Knowing exactly how it will go and end (like usual) drains my enthusiasm for it though.

It's worth watching just for Remon, and I must admit Kanna isn't too annoying for being the stereotypical tsundere character. I look forward to the characters I like the most getting no justice whatsoever, just like in the old version.
Well it shows that the writer is not a fan of less developed girls, Lemon was the only girl who went unsexualized throughout the series, and at the end of ep. 3 spoiler
This is my only complaint though, how the author kinda shits on DFC lovers, other than that it's quite enjoyable.

Oh, there's another thing, Kaito-kun is being a little bit too pathetic even for a harem protag.
novalisk said:
Oh, there's another thing, Kaito-kun is being a little bit too pathetic even for a harem protag.
Agreed, though he still has a ways to go before hitting the bottom of the genre barrel. Just look at Love Hina, the show that established the modern day mold.

If I were rich I'd fund an OneTea remake where spoiler
Radioactive said:
The best two characters are Kanna and L-sorry-Remon
Totally agree! I know it will never happen but, I'm rooting for Kanna!