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...and the loli tags keeps getting misused.
Last time I checked loli meant pre-pubescent girls, and that young lady is clearly past puberty.
if you guys keep that worried about tags this will turn into danbooru lol
You are simply haetin' on Kirie, bloo.
Ecchi_Kitty said:
Last time I checked loli meant pre-pubescent girls, and that young lady is clearly past puberty.
she is clearly drinking wine
Sounds like you're trying to argue with him? Cause you're actually supporting him.
First loli tag is for young characters, and character that look loli.
Second young kids don't have boobs that large.. Her breasts are supposed to be much smaller then that anyway.
And i think this character is a vampire. (never really played the game)
im still mad there is no twintails tag so....
.... er... gonna stop before i destroy the internet over something stupid like a tag
the loli tag is a blacklist tag so use it wisely.
aoie_emesai said:
the loli tag is a blacklist tag so use it wisely.
Tell that to bloo lol.
Loli or not loli that is the question.
Before this picture there was 12 pictures of this character on imouto, 6 are tagged loli and 6 are not.
Hard to make a choise...
Cute girl after all
that is pretty clear cut to me that she's not a loli
and yet it has a loli tag....???
vhd955 said:
that is pretty clear cut to me that she's not a loli
and yet it has a loli tag....???
Different pictures can depict same characters with different proprtions, aspects, etc. it depends on each individual picture