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hatsune_miku thighhighs umi_zakuro vocaloid

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ComfortChen said:
why cant i download??
Click "Download larger version".
i know but i download it not jpeg nor png
is .html file why???
Yeah. For some reason, after the move to, the only way to download an image which currently seems to work is to use the link directly in the browser. If I use a download manager or wget or any other way to get the image - including copying and pasting the link into the browser - I get the html page for the image, not the image. It always redirects to the image's page rather than the image itself.

What's the deal with this? Is this a side effect of something, or was it on purpose? It's really annoying.
meh, works perfectly for me
itsu-chan said:
meh, works perfectly for me
^This.. works like always for me~
i always use smart phone to download
so i cant download anything now
hoping to work things out
Same problem after the migration: when I click on "Download larger version" (or I want to open the target in a new tab), it just reloads the current page... But when I want to view the sample in a new tab, it works (only for the sample).

Browser: Opera 11.61

PS: it works fine with IE7... Wat?
ComfortChen said:
i always use smart phone to download
so i cant download anything now
hoping to work things out
what phone and what carrier
Trit said:
Same problem after the migration: when I click on "Download larger version" (or I want to open the target in a new tab), it just reloads the current page... But when I want to view the sample in a new tab, it works (only for the sample).

Browser: Opera 11.61

PS: it works fine with IE7... Wat?
try flushing cookies
Works well on my IPhone 4S, AT&T(downloads and browsing). Though, logging in was rather difficult as the login popup kept trying to move away as you zoomed in.
admin2 said:
try flushing cookies
They are disabled by default (when I'm not logged), but enabling them doesn't solve the problem.
When I use the chrome to dowmload large image it sometimes cant download ,but if I use the IE can
sovle this problem,I didn't known why
Problem solved now. Thanks for the fix! o/