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chinadress edogawakid gokou_ruri kousaka_kirino ore_no_imouto_ga_konnani_kawaii_wake_ga_nai

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They are beautiful in their qipaos... Happy birthday, Ruri (April 20th)!
livorno99 said:
What a pity mandarin gowns used to represent Chinese traditionalis is.

Though pretty.
zz0165 said:
What a pity mandarin gowns used to represent Chinese traditionalis is.

Though pretty.
sounds unreasonable.please look at the background to get more details.
As far as I'm concerned,mandarin gown is quite a representative symbol for chinese traditionalism,especially in wedding ceremony.
tangerineCC said:
sounds unreasonable.please look at the background to get more details.
As far as I'm concerned,mandarin gown is quite a representative symbol for chinese traditionalism,especially in wedding ceremony.
I know mandarin gown refers a Chinese symbol nevertheless in fact the traditional Chinese clothing is Hanfu.
zz0165 said:
I know mandarin gown refers a Chinese symbol nevertheless in fact the traditional Chinese clothing is Hanfu.
In my opinion, the latter is much more elegant and overall, bears more history behind it.
Their clothes are bridal dress in North China tradition,not Hanfu.BlackCat's means “always get more than who wish for”,because in chinese,fish has the same pronunciation with enough.I am not quite sure what kirino's
meaning.Maybe it is "be better and better"and"happy days(the spring of life)start today".
青羽翔 said:
Their clothes are bridal dress in North China tradition,not Hanfu.BlackCat's means “always get more than who wish for”,because in chinese,fish has the same pronunciation with enough.I am not quite sure what kirino's
meaning.Maybe it is "be better and better"and"happy days(the spring of life)start today".
livorno99 said:
Hanfu has disappeared for hundreds years, but remember it had existed for thousands years. It has been changed in recent hundreds years. So which is the real one is clear, at one glance. If comfortable-simple-beautiful-natural, I prefer T-shirts. Why crying up national clothing can be labeled as nationalist? Everyone takes a T-shirt and the world be Great Harmony?
livorno99 said:
calm down.It's just a discussion concerned with clothing.No ethnic discrimination included.
tangerineCC said:

calm down.It's just a discussion concerned with clothing.No ethnic discrimination included.
These were just some complaints.I will apologize if you think you are offended.