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almost 13 years agoTrit
almost 13 years agogreatcty
almost 13 years agolivorno99
almost 13 years agozhihou
almost 13 years agozz0165
almost 13 years agoThough pretty.
almost 13 years agoAs far as I'm concerned,mandarin gown is quite a representative symbol for chinese traditionalism,especially in wedding ceremony.
almost 13 years agoStayCold
almost 13 years ago青羽翔
almost 13 years agoTheir clothes are bridal dress in North China tradition,not Hanfu.BlackCat's means “always get more than who wish for”,because in chinese,fish has the same pronunciation with enough.I am not quite sure what kirino's
meaning.Maybe it is "be better and better"and"happy days(the spring of life)start today".
almost 13 years ago汉服现在只出现于汉民族主义者的表演中。两人的服装类似旗袍,而旗袍恰是满族的传统服饰,因此颇为推崇汉服的人所诟病。衣服这东西,只要穿着舒适简便大方美观就可以了,有人非要推崇已经在日常生活中消失了几百年的汉服,难道中华文化必须依赖某种衣服而存在吗?
almost 13 years agoroy9710
almost 13 years agotangerineCC
almost 13 years agolivorno99
almost 13 years agoMCS51
almost 13 years ago