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breast_hold chibi garter heels kazetsubaki_kuriko maburaho naked profile_page seifuku stockings thighhighs

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i loved her i want to fuck her
martin said:
i loved her i want to fuck her
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Radioactive said:
You'll only get papercuts.
LOL. Indeed.

It doesn't matter how good looking any of the gals here are. They're all in 2D and thus only good for looking at. If you want to do more than that, you'll have to actually go out and socialize with a real one. _They_ won't give you papercuts. LOL.
Except 3D women are horrible, bitchy and terrible. I'd rather fap to cute 2D girls than going out to socialize :3
martin said:
i loved her i want to fuck her
Vectorize and send it to Dakimakura maker =D
syaoran-kun said:
Except 3D women are horrible, bitchy and terrible. I'd rather fap to cute 2D girls than going out to socialize :3
LOL. Have you watched much anime? Plenty of the girls there are also "horrible, bitchy and terrible." It's understandable that looking at 2D girls can be preferable - it's a different sort of appeal than looking at the 3D kind - but it's not like a girl being in 2D is going to fix their personality. It only means that it's a fabricated one rather than a real one. I certainly have more 2D art than 3D photos, but it seems a bit harsh to write off all the 3D ones...
syaoran-kun said:
Except 3D women are horrible, bitchy and terrible. I'd rather fap to cute 2D girls than going out to socialize :3
Radioactive said: