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hiiragi_kagami izumi_konata lucky_star nishiya_futoshi yuri

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"interrupted innocence"

A yuri scene? Je je.. cute girls!
Call me a perv, but can someone make a nude Photoshop of this one?

Plz ;_;
There's really nobody here doing any photoshopping other than fixes. You'll have better luck asking somewhere else.
Oh, I see ^^U

Damn, where could I ask?
Try /r/ on 4chan (DON'T ask on /hr/)
looks like the cat in the background is peeking. i know its just a picture but it really looks like he´s peeking. perv.>:3
So hay, no one can do nude photoshop?

My efforts in /r/ were futile.
learn Japanese and go moeren :P
Moeren seems to block foreign IPs, finding a proxy is a pain. :)
Oh I seem to have accidentally flagged a comment for deletion... Never mind.
the admin said he won't to ban foreigh IPs before, but is the situation changed?
I'm not sure, I just know I've never been able to post, and I've always had to find a proxy...
midzki said:
learn Japanese and go moeren :P
My japanese is crap ;(

Also, another user here already took my request :3 Thanks anyway.

... any chance to ask you to make requests there? :3
kyoushiro said:
My japanese is crap ;(

Also, another user here already took my request :3 Thanks anyway.

... any chance to ask you to make requests there? :3
ごめん めどい m(_ _)m
petopeto said:
Moeren seems to block foreign IPs, finding a proxy is a pain. :)
I'm in the UK and I can access without trouble. So either they don't like your country or you've got some really weird problem :o DNS problem maybe? Long shot I guess but you never know.
moeren blocks when you dl too much / have too many connections

just wait a few days and it should be fine again
yea same..posting is fine here.
MDGeist said:
moeren blocks when you dl too much / have too many connections

just wait a few days and it should be fine again
Really? I've never noticed that before and I sometimes download quite a lot from there. That wouldn't affect Petopeto though since he can't access in the first place in order TO download anything.
midzki said:
ごめん めどい m(_ _)m
... :( See ? I only understood the "Gomen".

midzki said:
ごめん めどい m(_ _)m
gomen medoi.
if you meant "me doy!" then i'd understand.
I think the problem is to posting. Some people are blocked from posting like 2chan and 2ch..and you need a proxy to do it.
As I remenber, if someone post advertisement urls, his IP get banned immediatly, and never forgiven.

asterixvader said:
gomen medoi.
if you meant "me doy!" then i'd understand.
Almost! ^^/
Well, it's official, moeren hates foreigners. I now can't post at all because it's read-only to me. Varion (who lives in Japan atm) tried posting a request id on my behalf and had no problems at all. So yeah, proxy time. Joy.

edit: ok, apparently Syao can post just fine, so looks like my ip is somehow blocked. Which is actually worse.
yep, they hate foreigners, newcomers, and every person who criticise other edits straightly (like me) :P
but we can handle images which need to clean up in moe.imouto =D
Seems like it heh. I've id'd a LOT of images for people there, kinda sucks that I'm now not able to post without a proxy.
Waccha gonna do to Konata, Kagami!?
Has no one noticed the strange black orb/oval near Konata's head?
The painting on the wall?
Elfengore said:
But this is to good
Meh. I've seen dirtier.
Freyjadour said:
Waccha gonna do to Konata, Kagami!?
These roles seem reversed though - usually Konata is the bold one and Kagami is embarrassed. Still quite a kawaii pic.