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almost 17 years agonoshutdown
almost 17 years agocharly rozen
over 16 years agoA yuri scene? Je je.. cute girls!
over 16 years agoPlz ;_;
over 16 years agokyoushiro
over 16 years agoDamn, where could I ask?
over 16 years agobitterlemon
about 16 years agokyoushiro
about 16 years agoMy efforts in /r/ were futile.
about 16 years agopetopeto
about 16 years agokiowa
about 16 years agomidzki
about 16 years agopetopeto
about 16 years agokyoushiro
about 16 years agoAlso, another user here already took my request :3 Thanks anyway.
... any chance to ask you to make requests there? :3
about 16 years agoRadiosity
about 16 years agoMDGeist
about 16 years agojust wait a few days and it should be fine again
about 16 years agoRadiosity
about 16 years agokyoushiro
about 16 years ago^^U
about 16 years agoif you meant "me doy!" then i'd understand.
about 16 years agosyaoran-kun
about 16 years agomidzki
about 16 years agoAlmost! ^^/
about 16 years agoedit: ok, apparently Syao can post just fine, so looks like my ip is somehow blocked. Which is actually worse.
about 16 years agoyep, they hate foreigners, newcomers, and every person who criticise other edits straightly (like me) :P
but we can handle images which need to clean up in moe.imouto =D
about 16 years agoFreyjadour
over 15 years agoZombieCupcakes
about 15 years agomef
about 15 years agoNaked Flame
almost 15 years agobakaneko
almost 15 years ago碧酱
almost 15 years ago