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bikini chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai! dekomori_sanae eyepatch ikeda_kazumi swimsuits takanashi_rikka

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Oops my bad. I tagged ikeda_kazumi in the wrong post.

I haven't seen the show yet but the blonde girl "somehow" creeps me out.
AZD-A9S said:
I haven't seen the show yet but the blonde girl "somehow" creeps me out.
She's just annoying, not really creepy
bakaneko said:
She's just annoying, not really creepy
Must be because of the many Fan-Art I've seen of her.
But I just knew I won't be liking her in some way. Thanks to your confirmation, I'm "super" sure now. I really need to see the episodes.
AZD-A9S said:
I really need to see the episodes.
Santa-hat Kumin approves~