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aoie emesai
over 12 years agoProbably reduce your noise reduction a bit, I personally think it's a bit strong.
over 12 years ago(trying to save it as 16-bit, get a bigger one )
I will check the config on my scanner again
over 12 years agoi just love Kantoku's art
over 12 years agofireattack
over 12 years agoWhat I recommend: resize it to ~450dpi before you filter them. and as aoie said, use a weaker fitler. It's now very big but doesnt have that much 'infomation' which it should have in this size; it's blurry like it has been gauss blurred strongly..
over 12 years agoand neatimage on stockings & other dark areas to remove noise.
I will try put 0 on -gauss and reduce -alpha
aoie emesai
over 12 years agoDon't forget to use masks.
over 12 years agocrim
over 12 years agoThough gauss .2 ~ .3 should be added for bicubic or lanczos resizing. Because they sharpen images and add noises when resizing.