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- ? lu ying 6
- ? bili bili douga 160
- ? fate/stay night 10061
- ? fate/zero 541
- ? mahou shoujo madoka magica 3954
- ? mirai nikki 96
- ? shinryaku! ikamusume 161
- ? toaru kagaku no railgun 1836
- ? toaru majutsu no index 2459
- ? vocaloid 16117
- ? yuru yuri 586
- ? akaza akari 209
- ? assassin (fate/zero) 48
- ? bili girl 22 128
- ? bili girl 33 133
- ? gasai yuno 77
- ? hatsune miku 12106
- ? ikamusume 154
- ? shirai kuroko 631
- ? tomoe mami 942
- ? crossover 3771
- ? seifuku 152543
- ? thighhighs 254613
- ? wallpaper 28640 vocaloid 2 school uniform fate stay night seifuku shoujo torn thighhighs serafuku thighighs tighhighs thighhigh wallpapers bilibili school girl schoolgirl hold-ups thighboots thigh boots white thighhighs single thighhigh frilled thighhighs black thighhighs to aru kagaku no railgun to aru majutsu no index puella magi madoka magica gekijouban puella magi madoka magica toaru kagaku no railgun t to aru kagaku no railgun t toaru kagaku no railgun s to aru kagaku no railgun s
- Id: 235441
- Posted: over 12 years ago by goodweather
- Size: 1635x1080
- Source:
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 85
- Favorited by: aaagargar, t3486784401, LxK, GTOniZ, illyel95, 向尾喵, R1t0_S4m4, 萝莉控の胜利, CoolSunflower, 鞋垫, 你妈妈咪呀, MAKO1253, 沐玄音, phosphyllite, Lirsoas, 5741741741, XTxiaotong, wanquan, 旱饼冷凹, 蓝启,, worldsystem, kurikuriko, 2978580923, 時契freeze, susu3, vienyan, bingxingyu, inomiko, mokkouyuuko, 梦之森, Crazyllk, Prolbo, raho, IronicDeathVibes, 2232770808, Kangkiking, mark109, AlCrz96, Basilisk, xiaofeng13368, JCorange, radeon9550, samyjonss, Qatadah, N0ctis, joteratull, Spartan1096, suman7a, dragoncaliber, Ice_purity, SandroHc, Dalliah, ND, KazukiNanako, zwei0, Yukimaru32, Kakerururu, Dyshana, Ruzl, 布爽, Kaito666 (56 more)
over 12 years agoadamchoy2005
over 12 years agorailboy
over 12 years agoForgotten Gzn
over 12 years agoKilladeKill
over 12 years agoacgzero
over 12 years agoikyo
over 12 years agolivorno99
over 12 years agofireattack
over 12 years ago现在换成B站被小学生占领了(
over 12 years agoninth
over 12 years agolivorno99
over 12 years ago这就是所谓的中国特色社会主义~~
over 12 years ago很遗憾我当时也有参与到内幕斗争中,不过当时是因为弹幕系统的漏洞被不法分子入侵引爆的问题,AC的站长的后知后觉和拖泥带水大概是造成这次分裂的原因吧,炮姐的前身当年曾经代表了一部分人的意愿,就是弹幕素质的控制力,AC到现在还没有解决的问题
over 12 years agoshabi9085
over 12 years agoMetaler
over 12 years agoHaaaaii, Fate/Zero hajimaruyooo~
over 12 years agoNeotha33688
about 12 years agoytrlnc
about 12 years agoLeongodking
about 12 years ago殺す
about 12 years agoyanzx1993
about 12 years agoxianyangzhezhe
about 12 years agomaudiere
about 12 years agoiFate
about 12 years agoTrit
about 12 years agocodedragon
about 12 years agocodedragon
over 11 years agopoppetkk
over 11 years agoryusa works
almost 11 years agoThere are a lot of meme video clips from this film "The Downfall: Hitler and the End of the Third Reich" in site Bilibili and site ACFun(just like the site Niconico), his dialogues are very funny while transliterated into Chinese. And the most famous one "Sie sind ohne Ehre" was transliterated into 气死偶咧 (also as 气死我了) which means "I am very angry" in Chinese.
over 10 years agoikyo
over 10 years agoYurashina
over 10 years agocx69237176
over 10 years agoAnxq 99
about 10 years agoikyo
almost 8 years ago如今4年过去,中国互联网的风气也发生了神奇的变化,而最近几年B站以及逸小将们的所作所为,大家也都看在眼里,我也不想过多评判什么。
almost 8 years agoEarlVITO
almost 6 years ago乐观的食用盐
almost 6 years ago我有一种预感。当代互联网文化,在模因的持续加速传播下,将会发生不可逆的生态转变。在这种生态转变下,语言单一化将逐渐瓦解、甚至彻底击垮现代语言系统中基于传统语言的结构性和由近代、当代文学发展出的多样性;思想的分化将会导致思想矛盾的加剧,从而进一步增加互联网社会的不稳定性;传统的语言、文学、审美、思维方式等将受到巨大的冲击。
almost 6 years ago路人甲乙丙丁
almost 6 years ago顺带,我是食用盐,在我同学号上
over 5 years ago