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« Previous Next » This post is #10 in the Nyantype #39 2013-02 pool.

abiru_tadashi akaba_chizuru sakurano_kurimu seitokai_no_ichizon shiina_mafuyu shiina_minatsu thighhighs

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One's missing thighhighs! :(
You mean cause of Nyantype.
WtfCakes said:
You mean cause of Nyantype.
A lot of the newer drawings for this series is badly drawn now. I hate to say it, but at least DEEN's official artwork looked more polished. (The animation is horrible however.)
Is there a reason for why these posters are never detailed?
fujifruit said:
Is there a reason for why these posters are never detailed?
Certain posters are in Megami/Nyantype, not that often, it just depends on the series I think?