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clannad fingering ibuki_fuuko ishikei loli naked nipples nise_midi_doronokai photoshop pussy uncensored

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I don't get this guy's trick.... Is this Photoshop or markers? I wanna know whether or not I have a chance at his level of art. That's my goal!
sharriq727 said:
I don't get this guy's trick.... Is this Photoshop or markers? I wanna know whether or not I have a chance at his level of art. That's my goal!
Just about anyone with hands (and some with out) stand a chance of getting to this level, but I doubt anyone will get there with porn as their only motivation.
(I know this is an old comment, but I just want to give my answer for those thinking the same thing...)
You need some damn motivation to achieve this.
And Ishikei surely had plenty. If you access his older files at his website, you'll see stuff like these:
motivation and love or drawing is probably correct.
Yup! These things are what makes you move on for years and years on it. I think.
aoie_emesai said:
motivation and love or drawing is probably correct.
....and talent!
Akor said:
....and talent!
In most cases: patience for developing the talent.
Most people who just want to draw porn most likely draw a few circles with nipples, then say "what ev" and go watch porn...