
game_cg giga kagura_yuu kuraki_ena material_brave

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Does anyone else think 1280x720 game_cgs are a little low-res for this site?
I'm fine if they're sfw and cute like this. :P
cakes might be correct in a sense but that is rather low res. If it wasn't cute i would've deleted it already :P
Well, I'm going to delete low-res game_cgs from now. Does anyone want to look at the historical stuff?
Radioactive said:
Well, I'm going to delete low-res game_cgs from now. Does anyone want to look at the historical stuff?
I'll do it but it'll be a slow process.
Just leave the old ones there if you're going to define the rule clearly *now*.
Until such time admin2 creates a new deletion policy (Probably in 2017...) I'll leave the historical stuff alone.