
alcot amamoto_rui loli naka_no_hito_nado_inai naked nimura_yuuji nipples onsen

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I don't think it does, which is fortunate because I'd start to worry should I ever find that a real life loli looks hot.
GpS3nXd4 said:
I don't think it does, which is fortunate because I'd start to worry should I ever find that a real life loli looks hot.
lolis do not exist
Hermes666 said:
lolis do not exist
'~' d-don't say that! *runs off crying*
clear something wrong with his Ventral processing system
Hermes666 said:
lolis do not exist
Depends what you use the word loli to mean whether they exist or not
bakaneko said:
Depends what you use the word loli to mean whether they exist or not
yeah, cuz lil girls with bug eyes exist
Hermes666 said:
yeah, cuz lil girls with bug eyes exist
That's normally due to fluid on the brain. Don't google that.
Radioactive said:
That's normally due to fluid on the brain. Google that.
dont click
Hermes666 said:
dont click
D: That wasn't cute! Not cute at all...