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ass bandaid cameltoe dounatsuko maebari ryohka seifuku thighhighs

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you know how it feels when you print this on a pillow case cover
NNNope, no idea how that would feel.
And then I come to wonder, why does she (and some other girls) wear a band aid there?
I mean.. does it feel comfortable or something?
I think the point of bandaids like that is to show as much as possible without needing to censor it.
Azarel said:
I think the point of bandaids like that is to show as much as possible without needing to censor it.
explain bandaid on a flat chest then
You can sell bandaided loli books on a general section of a bookstore. Moeoh is a book selling on a general section, btw.
I'm just kidding.
What I meant was why would the girls wear that on such places.
On the character's pov, not the artist's.
Just wondering though.
Girls wouldn' least I haven't even heard of/seen irl jap girls wearing them.
I'm just guessing, but for me the pussy's bandaid suggest anal.
hide the important place
CrossHack said:
And then I come to wonder, why does she (and some other girls) wear a band aid there?
I mean.. does it feel comfortable or something?
You guys are all spitting facts