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over 11 years agolionsgate
over 11 years agozero|fade
over 11 years agoAZD-A9S
over 11 years agoIf this is perfect, it means Kantoku can't get any better [art won't improve anymore] and has reached his/her's limit and that isn't true.
If Kantoku keeps drawing until his/her expiration date, future works may make ones like this laughable (also a chance you could do worse).
Your perfection may only be here when you are nearing your end and have drawn your last art.
over 11 years agoCrossHack
over 11 years agoWtfCakes
over 11 years agoCrossHack
over 11 years agoAh alright then, okay... :(
over 11 years agoWtfCakes
over 11 years agoCrossHack
over 11 years agoSuch as a summer one, but looks like he won't right?
over 11 years ago