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kantoku seifuku shizuku_(kantoku)

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the pic makes our summer promising!
I`d like to say kantoku`s work is perfect!
lionsgate said:
I`d like to say kantoku`s work is perfect!
From a technical standpoint, it pretty much is.
This is great...but no.

If this is perfect, it means Kantoku can't get any better [art won't improve anymore] and has reached his/her's limit and that isn't true.

If Kantoku keeps drawing until his/her expiration date, future works may make ones like this laughable (also a chance you could do worse).

Your perfection may only be here when you are nearing your end and have drawn your last art.
maybe you should rethink what perfection is, because it is relative. Sure, Kantoku can improve, but can this artwork be made better without making it something it's not? Not likely :)
So.. will there be more of Kantoku's work coming out soon?
So there will be no Kantoku's work going to come up soon?

Ah alright then, okay... :(
.Kantoku's works will become more attracted..i think.
CrossHack said:
So there will be no Kantoku's work going to come up soon?

Ah alright then, okay... :(
Honestly though, should only expect around 3-5 of his stuff per month.
I'm kinda hoping that Kantoku is going to release a new artbook soon.
Such as a summer one, but looks like he won't right?
He already did one last year, and most artists only do about one per 3 years.