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cpu dress hijiri_byakuren touhou

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Could anyone please tell me why my original character is being labeled as a touhou character?
SodaFloat said:
Could anyone please tell me why my original character is being labeled as a touhou character?
Probably because of this or this, this, this and this

So, should I just guess it's not yours?
I don't understand why everyone is wrongly tagging my art. This is not 'hijiri byakuren' it's my original character 'Homura Kirigachi'. And everything under the 'cpu' tag, I created and drew, coloured and everything. And someone else is getting the credit.
SodaFloat said:
I don't understand why everyone is wrongly tagging my art. This is not 'hijiri byakuren' it's my original character 'Homura Kirigachi'. And everything under the 'cpu' tag, I created and drew, coloured and everything. And someone else is getting the credit.
Umm, I guess bring it up with a mod and if you can prove them it's yours and they agree then it can be changed?

Idk, I just tag, edit wiki entries and go on upload sprees whenever I can be bothered, so I'm not really able to help without mod approvals
Thank you Zenex, but I have another question. Is there a mod in particular I should contact, and if so how can I message them?
SodaFloat said:
Thank you Zenex, but I have another question. Is there a mod in particular I should contact, and if so how can I message them?
From the ones I've spoken to, I would suggest: Radioactive, fireattack, gibwar, blooregardo.

And posting on the forums might bring some attention to the matter too.
Thank you very much for your help!
SodaFloat said:
Could anyone please tell me why my original character is being labeled as a touhou character?
If this character is truly yours, you should probably update your images on pixiv and remove the touhou and hijiri_byakuren tags. If cpu really is stealing "your" work, they're really good because they're selling multiple doujins on toranoana.
Hahaha you gotta be a troll. No japanese speaks, or types, that good english ^_^

Just kidding. Btw, I just sent you a message on your pixiv account (i use the same name on pixiv I use here). Can you tell us what it was? That'll prove it quick enough.
*Grabs popcorn
also, the tags on Pixiv with asterisk means the tag was added by Artist him/herself.
In case people start giving SodaFloat crap, I'm the one who changed all the tags, giving credit to the real artist.
Why are we even keeping these copies of hijiri_byakuren? They don't appear very original to me.
Radioactive said:
Why are we even keeping these copies of hijiri_byakuren? They don't appear very original to me.
What do you mean?
I'll need some feedback from the other mods, but it looks like cheap knock-off of the character design.
You can delete them if you want, I never asked for my art to be posted on this site, I just wanted them to stay on my DeviantArt
Let me fix my link so a comparison can be made - hijiri_byakuren
So, sodafloat & dontyoudare I can see you are posting from the same IP address. Please explain?
Whatever, you idiot. Just stop vandalizing tags.
I've asked Checkmate to deal with this.
Aneroph said:
Whatever, you idiot. Just stop vandalizing tags.
No real need to call them an idiot though to be fair.
SodaFloat said:
You can delete them if you want, I never asked for my art to be posted on this site, I just wanted them to stay on my DeviantArt
@SodaFloat - Just a question: have you ever contacted that artist directly WITHIN Pixiv before commenting here? Since this is just a re-post from that site (i.e. the problem won't be resolved no matter what we did to the image here).
moonian said:
@SodaFloat - Just a question: have you ever contacted that artist directly WITHIN Pixiv before commenting here? Since this is just a re-post from that site (i.e. the problem won't be resolved no matter what we did to the image here).
I haven't because I have no idea how pixiv works, and I just found out my art is being posted under a different artist.
Zenex said:
No real need to call them an idiot though to be fair.
No reason? Come on, the guy's obviously trolling like anything, and you people are actually listening to him seriously D; The artist, cpu, has been posting on pixiv since 2010, has a booth and is selling multiple doujinshi's and artbooks. He's a well-established japanese artist. Are you telling me he's been ripping Mr. SodaFloat's works for the last 5 years and selling them? From where exactly, his 'DA' account? Hey Soda, what was your DA account again, care to share the link?

Just check this guy's record on He's trolled in the past and he's trolling now. Brothers? Bah. More like duplicate accounts. People like him deserve the ban, not to be listened to.
SodaFloat and dontyoudare, unless you can present me with concrete proof that cpu actually copied your artwork 1:1, the post its tag are going to stay. Else, please stop trolling and I'll pretend this never happened, you guys had your fun I believe.

Any further attempt to vandalizing the tag & trolling will result in your account(s) & IP(s) being banned for a few moons, possibly aeons depending on my mood.
Checkmate said:
SodaFloat and dontyoudare, unless you can present me with concrete proof that cpu actually copied your artwork 1:1, the post its tag are going to stay. Else, please stop trolling and I'll pretend this never happened, you guys had your fun I believe.

Any further attempt to vandalizing the tag & trolling will result in your account(s) & IP(s) being banned for a few moons, possibly aeons depending on my mood.
ANNNNDDDD... Checkmate ends this war..
Oneesama said:
ANNNNDDDD... Checkmate ends this war..
That's our leader!
What a man!
I know it's been a long time, but I thought I should let you guys know that none of what I said was true, I was running an experiment to see how easily people could get fooled by claims without proof as many people were several years ago when someone tried to steal my art on DeviantArt.
Radioactive said:
Don't do that again.
I won't. Sorry if I caused any trouble