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akashiya_moka cleavage garter kurono_kurumu rosario_+_vampire seifuku sendo_yukari shirayuki_mizore sweater tagme witch

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Can anyone check if the author's name in the bottom left corner?
fatmangoth said:
Can anyone check if the author's name in the bottom left corner?
It says "© Ikeda Akihisa · Shuueisha · Youkai(probably?) Academy Newspaper Club"

First one is the manga creator. Shuueisha is definitely the publisher company, and the last one seems to point at the in-universe schooling organization, as is often done in anime production, either because it's a funny tradition, or maybe they really create a company each time they produce one title or another.

This probably means the image should be credited to the manga's author.
Thanks for troube, I translated that myself and was dissapointed there wasn't the name of the artist. This is definitely not Ikeda Akihisa though, Fujita Mariko as the official anime character designer would the first candidate.
Some Rosario to Vampire fixed scan soon... maybe, next month, I hope, haha!