
« Previous Next » This post is #4 in the Animedia 2014-07 pool.

aino_minako hino_rei kino_makoto megane mizuno_ami sailor_moon sailor_moon_crystal sakou_yukie seifuku tsukino_usagi

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geez, are they ugly! Ami was 20 times hotter 20 years ago. This won't even work as Fap-Anime.
They're directly transitioning old school character designs with modern anime tools, which doesn't work very well.
it has nothing to with the technology, they're actually adapting the look of the original manga which featured way more sharper facial features and longer limbs, although it might appear dated since it takes place in the 90's
they should ask nardack to take care the design character
Edit: after watch the anime series....i'm fine with the design character
K@tsu said:
they should ask nardack to take care the design character
this is one of the best comments of this site. nardack's frilly, girly style is the best one to adapt the mosst cult shojo of all time!
The artstyle was one of the lesser problems with the show.
