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I took a shot at improving the color and levels. I do this a lot and decided today 'hey, why not upload one every once in a while.' If nothing else than to see if anybody else agrees with the tweaks I did.
Xcalibur said:
I took a shot at improving the color and levels.
What are you checking these against?
there is sample on pikattoanime site
Xcalibur said:
I took a shot at improving the color and levels. I do this a lot and decided today 'hey, why not upload one every once in a while.' If nothing else than to see if anybody else agrees with the tweaks I did.
Thanks, I did not spend time on color fix for this one...I just used PS auto color fix...
fsh5678 said:
Thanks, I did not spend time on color fix for this one...I just used PS auto color fix...
usually you need to double check sample if the pic has large area of red color, most of scanner do a bad job on red (and purple).
Radioactive said:
What are you checking these against?
I don't have the source to check against. I just made what felt like commonsense adjustments to the parent. That's why I don't usually post the things I tweak, since it is personal preference to an extent, but the parent for this one really needed help so I decided to post one for once.
Twinsenzw said:
usually you need to double check sample if the pic has large area of red color, most of scanner do a bad job on red (and purple).
I did for the white version, I have a sample for that one, but it really took me long time on color fix...and I still think it is not perfect. I agree that i did not check for this one...