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Took me a few months to figure out how to remove screening without butchering the details...
Well, bloo taught me long time ago, I never actually using it until recently.
Darker area use stronger filtering > invert selection > lower blur strength on brighter area, i'm using magic wand instead of layers or similar technique.

My method still aren't the best imho.
yong said:
Well, bloo taught me long time ago, I never actually using it until recently.
Darker area use stronger filtering > invert selection > lower blur strength on brighter area, i'm using magic wand instead of layers or similar technique.

My method still aren't the best imho.
man I've been so disconnected of the editing scene. I think almost 3 years. There are probably much better methods now.
Actually, no lol

and even the old good one is not widely used
I know there are a lot of third party software, but i'd like to use the internal filters, smoother workflow, rather jumping back and forth between the third party denoiser and the main program xD

I've tried Neatimage before, it produce pretty much the same result that i can do on Paint.NET.
Bloo's descreening method is pretty good actually. (well good enough for me lol)