
feet love_live! nopan wallpaper xiao_ren yazawa_nico

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That's right, Happy Birthday, Nico!
Nico sends us a foot, and we'll send Nico some cake.
shiluodexingfu said:
This gesture is actually copy from a picture of to-loveru_darkness.
So what?????????????????
nphuongsun93 said:
So what?????????????????
Tracing is bad: it's like plagiarism. Some mangas have been canceled for this reason (like Prism, by Shō Higashiyama: an excellent yuri manga, though).
Trit said:
Tracing is bad: it's like plagiarism. Some mangas have been canceled for this reason (like Prism, by Shō Higashiyama: an excellent yuri manga, though).
I find that silly. Why can't artists draw the same poses w/o being labeled plagiarism? Sure it looks very similar but it's not exact the same.
It's one thing to practice that way, and drawing similar stuff isn't necessarily a problem, but outright tracing and releasing it that way? It makes the artist look bad when they do that, and from the standpoint of copyright - particularly with regards to professionally published works - it's likely in violation because it's essentially copying someone else's copyrighted work.

Whether the folks who see the images really care is another matter, but most folks do seem to react to it negatively when they find out, regardless of what the legal situation might be.
Well this is awkward, but for a different reason. I'm kinda amazed & disturbed by how people can instantly deduced that a certain image is a trace or has some form of plagiarism on it and have even the exact "original" picture on hand to prove your point. I wouldn't have known it was a copy of some sort without seeing the original image first.
darn all those things that look like other things.
It's close enough that it seems quite plausible that it was indeed based on that to-love-ru image. Well, if the artist cares enough, I'm sure he'll learn sooner or later how much more he needs to deform the original to be safe.
Also the background and basically everything else but the foot is a copy from this picture:
Radioactive said:
We should delete this.
I agree.. it's not really an original image..
Sad to say that the author probably didn't think we'd notice..
Well, it looks good. Isn't that what matters? At least for us here.
Not like there aren't a few dozens of pictures which traced just as much.
TheUnspoken said:
Well, it looks good. Isn't that what matters?
TheUnspoken speaks the truth.
Tracing is unforgivable. No matter what the reason, you can't call that art. Its tracing and it's wrong. I hate artists who trace and claim others' work. People in my opinion, who see tracing as okay haven't obviously been a victim of having their art stolen, or they aren't artists. To be an artist and to think this is right? better slap yourself back to reality and get more original, or don't be an artist.
defeatednazigeneral said:
Tracing is unforgivable. No matter what the reason, you can't call that art. Its tracing and it's wrong. I hate artists who trace and claim others' work. People in my opinion, who see tracing as okay haven't obviously been a victim of having their art stolen, or they aren't artists. To be an artist and to think this is right? better slap yourself back to reality and get more original, or don't be an artist.
Meh, that's quite harsh. What if your favorite artist turns out to have traced something? It really happens quite often. A while ago, for example, the artist from No Game No Life got caught for (partially) tracing quite a lot of pictures, even fairly well known ones.
Ofcourse thats bad but does it make him less of an artist? Does that make his 'original' art less good? He might very well have had some hefty deadlines laying ahead of him or something.

And about this picture. This could just be an artist that is starting out and traced some picture of his favorite artist and then gave his own twist. I think many artist use references when trying to improve. Not just in visual art. For example in music, melodies, rythyms or just flat out samples get reused all the time but people aren't freaking out about that either.
I'd like to remind that this site is not justice warrior barrack, nor we are becoming one.

That means if the artwork is passable, it's going to stay regardless of its nature.
People tends to follow, and especially Chinese (judging from artist's name)prefers more imitating than creating.
Personally I think it is okay to learn form other's work to enhance a strong drawing ability when making his first step. Sure, to some extend, copying means no value, but hard works are real.
The picture couldn't be epic, but still good enough.

ksam said:
and especially Chinese
It's not just especially Chinese. Happens everywhere.