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bottomless bra breasts ebisuzawa_kurumi gakkou_gurashi! garter_belt koume_keito naoki_miki nipples no_bra nopan seifuku shirt_lift stockings takeya_yuki thighhighs wakasa_yuuri yuri

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So I clean up post #328162 via Waifu2x mainly to test the program. It does a nice job rid of jpeg artifact while preserving the line, although some of the texture in the hat seem to be lost when compared to the parent post.

Will delete if there's any objection towards posting this.
The site should make a clear policy about these waifu-filtered images. In my opinion resized images should go to hell and jpeg artifacts that can be cleared with <5 mouse clicks are not worth a repost.
Mr_GT said:
So I clean up post #328162 via Waifu2x mainly to test the program. It does a nice job rid of jpeg artifact while preserving the line, although some of the texture in the hat seem to be lost when compared to the parent post.

Will delete if there's any objection towards posting this.
Certain appreciate the effort, and the program does what it does well, but I don't know if the loss of detail and flourishes, such as in the hat, lingerie, and hair, makes the artifact removal worth it.
From my point of view, waifu should be used for images that otherwise wouldn't be accepted here.
In this one, the artifacts are not very evident.
Zemu said:
The site should make a clear policy about these waifu-filtered images. In my opinion resized images should go to hell and jpeg artifacts that can be cleared with <5 mouse clicks are not worth a repost.
I agree on the re-sizing comment.

The filtering has removed a lot more detail than was pointed out. There are other applications out there that can be used, and have better fine-tuning.