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someone please tell tinkle they are doing it wrong
Debbie said:
someone please tell tinkle they are doing it wrong
Exactly what I meant by saying that they aren't any better than SwordSouls at this point. Everything drawn is just so purposeless and half assed. They just keep rehashing the same elements in their work and I just don't see the point of looking at the same thing in a merely different packaging.
And Jesus that anatomy don't get me started
They really need to step it back up.. :/
animefan01 said: They just keep rehashing the same elements in their work and I just don't see the point of looking at the same thing in a merely different packaging.
Word. Editing the tags of these became boring af after watching the third one or so. e.e They're pretty much identical.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Radioactive said:
Familiarity breeds contempt.
This explains virtually all divorces. Heh